Speaking in Redmond, WA on AlwaysOn.

I am super excited that I was selected to present my AlwaysOn – Finally A Usable ‘Mirror’ session in Redmond, WA. The session is an hour long and is for SQLSaturday 212 on May 18th, 2013. The place will be loaded with SQL Server all-stars, oh and I’ll also be there. Some will be Microsoft employees and others will be SQL Server MVP’s. Some will be local to the Redmond area while others are flying in from across the country. It is a huge honor to be invited to speak on my favorite feature outside of the core product: AlwaysOn, in my favorite piece of software (SQL Server) at Microsoft’s world headquarters. I just arrived in Redmond and looking forward to a speakers dinner tonight, as well as the After Party tomorrow night. Networking is one of my favorite activities since I enjoy meeting new geeks and talking about all sorts of dorky topics. So if you are going to this event, please come up and introduce yourself. I’d love to get to know you. Also, Red Gate may be giving me a license key or two to give away, so ask me about it.