Protect Your Data
Disaster strikes. How much data did you lose? We’ll figure out how steep of a hill you have to climb by diving into the configuration and timing of your backups and disaster recovery plan.
Disaster strikes. How much data did you lose? We’ll figure out how steep of a hill you have to climb by diving into the configuration and timing of your backups and disaster recovery plan.
The slowest part of most applications is the database. Increasing performance at that level usually leads to productivity gains across your entire business.
Disaster strikes. How much data did you lose? We’ll figure out how steep of a hill you have to climb by diving into the configuration and timing of your backups.
Like a sick patient, if SQL Server is not healthy it won’t perform at peak performance. Worse still, it can lead to catastrophic failure where you lose your data. Talk with one of our SQL experts today!
Most people know that a database needs to be backed up, but few understand that backups are not enough. Instead of a backup plan, what you really need is a recovery plan – a tested, proven plan to recover your database successfully from backups.
Imagine your database breaking right now, and consider what would happen if you DON’T have a plan in place and tested. Even if you have a simple disaster recovery plan with a backup from last night, can you afford to manually key in all of today’s work? This assumes you have paper records to ensure you didn’t miss anything. This option is expensive and embarrassing. Don’t let this happen to you! Reach out to talk to one of our SQL experts today.
How Disaster Recovery Plans Work
Why Having a Disaster Recovery Plan is SO Important
Finding the Right Solution
Recovery Setup Options
When your data is protected, this means You have peace of mind knowing that your recovery plan actually works. You know all your data assets will all play nicely with your other applications and tools. And you can focus on the bottom line of your company rather than worrying about the the lifeblood of your business — the safety and functionality of your data.
Disaster strikes. How much data did you lose? We’ll figure out how steep of a hill you have to climb by diving into the configuration and timing of your backups.
As mentioned before, there are some details to this process that MUST be handled to ensure the disaster recovery plan will work as planned.
Don’t believe in time travel? With a Point-in-Time recovery solution, our DBA experts can restore your database to the exact moment of the problem, provided your recovery plan is configured correctly. This means greatly minimizing the loss of data, and is an ideal situation.
There are many other techniques and tools in addition to a traditional backup and restore to protect data. Log Shipping, Mirroring and AlwaysOn are just some of the database solutions to build in semi-real-time, near-real-time, or real-time data synchronization and redundancy.
Some of these options provide automatic failover so your application can seamlessly access the database from an alternate location, all without human intervention. This also gives our DBA experts and SQL professionals a chance to diagnose and correct the original problem without customers or employees even knowing that a problem exists!
If your backup and recovery plans are not managed and tested, you could lose all of your data in a variety of ways –
This is like a glorified, automated backup/restore to a remote server.
This synchronizes data between one or more databases.
This is near-real-time data synchronization between two SQL Servers.
Redundant SQL Server’s which share the same underlying data database/storage.
This is a cross between Mirroring, Clustering and some additional secret sauce.
Discover how our SQL experts can help solve your Texas or National organization's database problems that are keeping you from success.